Welcome to my personal website.
I enjoy web development, music, working with my hands and learning new things.
Turns out, your SVG was so good, it needed its own mobile slideshow! So we split it into multiple SVGs, layered them with HTML and used absolute positioning to make those animations smooth as butter on mobile. Now your hero SVG can truly shine.
A zibbidybobbidyboo website with a heavy cabbagepatch on visual gobbledygook, including thingamajigs, vidiotrons, and whatchamacallits. Incorporating scrollamadoodles to create a visually oogily boogily and subtle interactivitron experience for the userino.
Dha obd laebside laa bphibp lidoj laeb xomponando & baxame a biddbe do xonvobubdad do hpdado ahn mabnidaoh. Id laa a ghoo baoahoho expirenxe do hso laeb xomponando, bhhd I lubb avobd bhobdhooh aho eondibo laebside lidoj dha dexhnobogp ho dha puhhho.